16 February 2025
The European legislator is currently seeking to adapt the legal framework for cross-border commercial activities to today’s increasingly digital world. For example, on 25 April the European Commission presented a legislative package on company law, aimed at facilitating the use of digital tools for company registration and online information management, as well as cross-border company mobility. These same concerns were also reflected in the negotiations on the Single Digital Gateway, for which a regulation was adopted in September 2018.
Throughout our exchanges with our European contact points, we endeavoured to highlight the notary’s central and preventive role in many Member States in the field of company law. This essential function has been entrusted to us by the State, in the public interest: that of ensuring the reliability of business registers and combating money laundering.

We also took this conviction to international bodies such as the United Nations and the OECD. Increasingly, new soft law instruments are emerging through the work of these bodies and these can have an impact at national level. In this respect, I welcome the coordinated action taken with the International Union of Notaries to make our voice heard.

2018 was also the year of the CNUE’s 25th anniversary. Twenty-five years during which we have worked with the European institutions to build a European legal and judicial area. There was, of course, the regulation on international successions, applicable since August 2015. There will now be the regulations on matrimonial property regimes and the property consequences of registered partnerships, applicable since 29 January 2019.

The European notariat has been active in this perspective: the training programme for notaries with the European Union’s support, the organisation of a conference for practitioners in October with the Commission, the development of the European Notarial Network platform to provide practical assistance to notaries, the updating of the “Couples in Europe” website (www.couples-europe.eu). As I like to repeat, let us always keep in mind that Europe is not only what we are given by the European institutions, but what we do with it ourselves!

Marius Kohler
2018 CNUE President