The CNUE is proud to give administrative and logistical support to the various notarial organisations set up under its impetus, such as EUFides and the ENRWA. The CNUE organises and hosts these associations’ General Assemblies and Board meetings.
The European Network of Registers of Wills Association is an international non-profit association
under Belgian law, created in 2005 by the Belgian, French and Slovenian notariats. The ENRWA works
on the interconnection of registers of wills and European Certificates of Succession (ECS) in Europe.
Fifteen registers of wills and three ECS registers are now interconnected thanks to the ENRWA.
Each year the network registers more than 2500 queries and finds more than 350 wills in a foreign
register. In 2018, the association has 21 member notariats.
EUFides is a secure collaboration platform that facilitates cooperation between European notaries
dealing with cross-border cases. EUFides was set up as an AISBL under Belgian law in January
2014 with the Belgian, French, Italian, Luxembourg and Spanish notariats as founding members. In
2016, EUFides welcomed the membership of two new members, the Dutch and German notariats.
Originally designed to deal with cross-border real estate transactions, EUFides has expanded into
other areas of notarial competence. It is now possible to handle succession and company law files.