16 February 2025

FRANCE | French notaries are working on the Europe of tomorrow

The French notariat took part in the citizens’ consultations on the Future of Europe (https://www.quelleestvotreeurope.fr/je-participe.html) launched by the President of the French Republic in spring 2018. In addition to active participation in the consultations organised in particular by the ENM (National School of the Judiciary) and by the DACS (Directorate of Civil Affairs and the Seal) in the presence of the French and German Ministers of Justice, the notaries of France also held their own citizen consultation meeting. Thus, on 3 October 2018, notaries, honorary notaries, future notaries and their staff were able to reflect on European issues during a half-day workshop organised jointly in Marseille by the Conseil supérieur du notariat and the Chambre des notaires des Bouches du Rhône. They responded directly to the major survey proposed by the European Commission to all European citizens (https://ec.europa.eu/commission/consultation-future-europe_en).
The participants then shared their experiences in handling cross-border cases and discussed solutions to improve their international practice around four main themes: family, company law, taxation and training. In particular, they noted the good cooperation with other European notaries, particularly with regard to the exchange of powers of attorney. Finally, all participants expressed the urgent need for tax harmonisation. The result of the Marseille consultation was forwarded to the Secretariat General during the citizens’ consultations. It contributed to the synthesis of all the workshops held in France.

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