22 January 2025
José Manuel García
The European legislator is currently seeking to adapt the legal framework for cross-border commercial activities to today’s increasingly digital world. For example, on 25 April the European Commission presented a legislative package on company law, aimed at facilitating the use of digital tools for company registration and online information management, as well as cross-border company mobility. These same concerns were also reflected in the negotiations on the Single Digital Gateway, for which a regulation was adopted in September 2018.

Marius Kohler
2018 CNUE President

A year in review

CNUE – Transfer of Powers – Berlin, 19 January 2018

CNUE – Transfer of Powers – Berlin, 19 January 2018

19 Jan 2018 A Year in Review

Hosted by the Representation of the Land of Hamburg in Berlin, the CNUE’s 2017 and 2018 Boards met for a handover ceremony. On this occasion, Mr José Manuel García Collantes handed over to his successor as President of the CNUE, Mr Marius Kohler. Welcomed by the President of the German...

Not surprisingly, 2019 will be a year of European transition, with institutions renewed by the vote. A new Parliament, a new college of Commissioners will write a new page in the history of our Europe.

A Europe that protects is a Europe that needs its notaries. This is why we, public office-holders, delegates of public authority, present in 22 of the 28 countries of the European Union, in constant contact with our fellow citizens and their concerns, are legitimate to formulate proposals to the newly elected European representatives.